We are the hands and feet of Our Lady. Through our labor of love, we provide mission rosaries to our parish and several charity organizations.
The Rosary Makers' Prayer
Dearest Mother,
To you, we pray, bless the rosaries we make today; with loving hands, we add each bead, then with trust in you, we further plead. Bless the ones who are in foreign lands, reach for them with outstretched hands, and we pray that God will hear our call for a WORLD UNITED and PEACE FOR ALL.
Our Lady's Rosary Makers Ministry members make rosaries for endings and beginnings, for the needy and the lonely, for families, for healing, for peace, and for every day. Rosary makers also make rosaries for missions around the world. We distribute our rosaries to St. Joseph’s consolation ministry, nursing homes, military members in combat zones, other New Mexico churches, children receiving their First Holy Communion, and prison ministry.
We have rosary sales twice a year, and all proceeds are used to purchase mission rosary supplies for our mission. We made a financial contribution to the parish building fund as well as to the Youth Group summer camp in support of our youth.
Elizabeth Encinias is the president of Our Lady’s Rosary Makers. If you are interested in this rewarding ministry, please call the parish office at 505-839-7952.