The Archdiocese of Santa Fe African American Catholic Community is holding a School Supply Drive for Archdiocesan Catholic elementary schools. We request school supply donations such as white copy paper, paper towels, tissue, glue sticks, construction paper, graph paper, large erasers, blue/red ballpoint pens, pencils, scissors, staples, black permanent markers, paper clips, tape, disinfecting wipes, spiral notebooks, and thick crayons/pencils. Collection containers will be placed at Queen of Heaven Church, Risen Savior Church, Garson's Religious Supplies, and at St. Joseph's on the Rio Grande. You can start dropping off donations starting August 1 through September 31. For further information, please call the parish office to get contact information for Louise Davis. Thank you in advance for your generous support of our Catholic school students.
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA), Court St. Joseph on the Rio Grande 2523, announces the winners of the 2023 CDA Scholarships. Due to the generosity of an anonymous donor, the CDA organization is happy to report that it was able to award three $500 scholarships this year. Congratulations to the recipients: Dominic Vollbrecht, Noah Malechuk, and Xavier Apodaca. Two of our awardees will attend St. Pius X High School and the other will attend St. Mary’s School. CDA thanks our parishioners for their continued support of our fundraisers—bake sales, raffles, etc.