Archbishop Wester has directed that Churches cease regular Mass schedules after October 25. The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday continues to be dispensed for all and the faithful are reminded that HOME IS THE HOLY PLACE. Keep holy the Lord’s Day by your prayer at home. Sunday Mass will be live streamed on Saturday afternoon at 4:00 pm beginning November 7th. The recorded Mass may be viewed on Sundays from your computer or mobile device. Communion will be distributed in the Gathering Space for a half hour following the Saturday afternoon Mass and the Sunday 10am Mass; and for 10 minutes following each daily Mass. Enter the church by the far, right door and exit by the opposite door. Confessions will be heard on Saturdays with the same protocols that have been in place. CLICK THE ARTICLE TITLE FOR MORE DETAILS.
The Christmas Basket committee has prayed, brainstormed, and explored ways to be able to provide for the families that this ministry helps each year. Unfortunately, the current situation will not allow us to provide Christmas Baskets in 2020. We plan to return stronger than ever in 2021. Please click the title to read how the decision was made for this ministry.
The Governor's office, advised by scientists and medical experts, strongly recommends persons to stay home and out of public areas as much as possible. Following our faith's concern for protecting human life, Archbishop Wester issues the following directives for Catholic churches and schools in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Read the guidance by clicking the title.
The Catholic Cemetery Association is seeking to fill four full-time positions. Offering an excellent benefits package. Contact Mt. Calvary Cemetary at 505.243.0218. Click the title for details of the positions.
The Book of the Dead is normally compiled to commemorate the death of a loved one on All Souls Day in November. Although there is no hardcopy book this year, we will take names online and over the phone. This practice provides the living with an opportunity for healing and consolation in the face of grief. It is usually left open for people to write the names of their deceased loved ones and for others to read the names, remember, and pray for the repose of their souls. Click the title to go to the form and submit the name of your loved one for addition to the Book.