Due to the severity of the flu season, the archdiocese will be taking the following steps in regards to the celebration of Mass:
During the Sign of Peace, instead of shaking hands or hugging, as is practiced in some parishes, it would be best to nod your head and avoid bodily contact.
When praying the Our Father, please do not hold hands. Simply extend your hands toward Heaven or fold your hands.
Holy Communion will not be received under both species, just the Consecrated Host and not the Chalice.
The celebrant of any Mass in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe is to encourage the reception of the Consecrated Host in the hands. Please note, many liturgists believe that receiving the Consecrated Host in the hands is considered more appropriate liturgically than receiving the Consecrated Host on the tongue. This directive is aimed at limiting contact with saliva, thus limiting the spread of the flu virus.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion should wash their hands just before distribution Holy Communion and immediately after. If it is more convenient, an anti-bacterial gel can be used to clean hands.
If you are sick, sneezing or coughing, it would be best for you to stay home. You are welcome to take advantage of the Sunday TV Masses which are available in English and Spanish. It is not a sin to miss Mass on Sundays if you are ill.
Please note the reason for these directives is to limit the spread of influenza and to save lives.
Please pray for all who have lost their lives as a result of the flu, and may we do our part to prevent its spread.
These directives will be dismissed when the situation improves.
For more information, please contact the Office of Worship at 505.831.8128 or the Office of the Vicar General at 505. 831.8158.