Archbishop Wester has directed that Churches cease regular Mass schedules after October 25. This proactive step is being taken to protect the faithful at this time that COVID-19 cases are increasing in New Mexico coupled with the influenza season soon to begin. This means that attendance at Mass is not permitted for the time being. The obligation to attend Mass on Sunday continues to be dispensed for all and the faithful are reminded that HOME IS THE HOLY PLACE. Keep holy the Lord’s Day by your prayer at home.
Sunday Mass will be live streamed on Saturday afternoon at 4:00 pm beginning November 7th. The Mass may be viewed on Sundays—usually beginning about 10:00 am—on your computer or mobile device. The Mass will be celebrated on Sunday at 10:00 am.
Communion will be distributed following the Saturday afternoon Mass from 5:00 – 5:30 pm and following the Sunday morning Mass from 11:00 – 11:30 am. Communion will be given in the Gathering Space. Line up outside and keep the social distance as indicated on the sidewalks by the blue hash marks. Enter the church by the far, right door and exit by the opposite door. There will be two communion stations inside.
Daily Mass will be celebrated at 9:00 am and will be live streamed once technical issues with a camera and audio are resolved. For the time being, Communion will be given after daily Mass at 9:30 am for 10 minutes.
Confessions will be heard on Saturdays from 2:00 – 3:30 pm with the same protocols that are in place. Line up outside the church keeping social distance. Only one person enters the church at a time. Dress warmly.