Each Summer the Archdiocese offers a Summer Institute of Formation, a week of classes for all Catholics interested in increasing their understanding of the Faith, and/or increasing their skills in explaining or professing to others, including their children.
Persons with formal roles in catechizing others can gain certification of their participation in these sessions. This year the Institute will be held at Lourdes Hall on the Archdiocesan Campus, the week of June 4 - 8, 2018.
A fee of $25 will be charged for the entire week, if one registers before May 7. After that date the fee increases to $50. Some courses have additional fees for books or other materials.
The Archdiocese website has more information on courses offered, with the opportunity to register online. Download Basic and Advanced courses to choose your sessions before beginning your registration. The Summer Institute is a refreshing opportunity to meet fellow Catholics from around the Archdiocese, and enrich our appreciation and understanding of our Faith.