Here are some key reminders from Msgr. Luna and Krista for your lector ministry assignments.
1. Once Mass has begun, all reverence needs to be directed to the Altar - NOT the tabernacle. Msgr. Luna has observed both lectors and EMs pausing in front of the tabernacle in reverence during Mass. He wanted us all to know that during Mass the reverence is shifted to the celebration centered on the Altar.
2. When we introduce our readings at the ambo, please keep to " A reading from....." as the Lector Workbooks show, do not expand the introduction to say "The first reading is a reading from ....." for example.
Remember, these gentle reminders are to help us keep the liturgy holy and reverent. (These next reminders are ones that eagle-eye Krista Rashap noted.)
3. Please remember that as we lector, we should not be memorizing the reading and trying to proclaim without refering to the lectionary. That approach often causes us to swap words from the lectionary reading.
4. Be aware of the microphone placement (a good approach that has been shared in previous lector trainings is to direct the tip of the microphone towards your nose when you are in position). The actual microphone surface is angled from the tip - take a look next time before Mass. Also, even with a microphone, we need to project as we proclaim.
5. Be sure to sign in at least 15 minutes prior to the start of Mass on the days you are lectoring. This allows for the 1st lector to set out the lectionary at the ambo and for everyone to know that both lectors are ready for Mass in plenty of time.
6. Regarding the lectionary....2nd lectors need to close the lectionary and store it under ambo surface before leaving the ambo and need to return the lectionary to the sacristy at the end of Mass.
Those who proclaim God's Word in the liturgy are known as Ministers of the Word or Lectors. When you answer this call, you enter a deeper relationship with God revealed in sacred scripture. You take upon yourself the awesome duty and privilege of sharing the Word with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Ministers of the Word proclaim the readings, except for the Gospel. They may also announce the general intercessions when a deacon is not present.
Gifts and Talents needed
"It is necessary that those who exercise the ministry of Reader ... be truly suited and carefully prepared, so that the faithful may develop a warm and living love for Sacred Scripture from listening to what sacred readings." Your preparation must above all be spiritual, but what may be called technical preparation is also needed.
-General Introduction to the Lectionary
What do I need to do?
If you would like more information on how to become a Lector/Minister of the Word, please contact Kathy Malechuk by email at [email protected] or by phone at the parish office (505) 839-7952.
A Note from the Sacristan Lectors at the 10 am Mass - please be alert! The RCIA for Children Catechists is using an older Year A lectionary that they place on the shelf under the ambo to take with them when they process with the children out of Mass after the homily. This is not the same lectionary that you proclaim from. (Just as a reminder, Lectors are responsible for returning the Lectionary to the Sacristy after the Mass (usually the 2nd reading Lector).) If you have any questions at all, please consult with the Sacristan when you go into the Sacristy to pick up the Lectionary. Thank you for your stewardship! |
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You can get to the Ministry Scheduler Pro by clicking here. Please login to the scheduler to make changes to your profile or to request a substitute. This short video demonstrates how to use the Web Terminal. (The video can also be accessed once you are logged in by clicking on the Help tab at any time.) If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Krista by email at [email protected].