Confirmation I and II 2017-2018 Enrollments:
We have currently begun the instructional year for both first and second year confirmation. We will continue to accept late enrollments through September 15th 2017. (Transfers will be accepted most of the year)
Enrollment Fees:
Confirmation I
Class times: 4:00-5:15pm Sundays-Classes are held at the Church Building
Pay for Confirmation I Class, $50
Confirmation II
Class Times: 9:30am to 10:50am- Sundays
11:30am to 12:50pm- Sundays
7:00pm to 8:20pm- Mondays
Pay for Confirmation II Class, $100
We have Secure Online Payment!
Secure online payment for programs such as confirmation is available. We launched the new secure and convenient form payment interface. Please be assured that your payment information is being handled securely and effeciently. There are several reasons to take advantage of this payment method. They are: